We ship worldwide, you can select your shipping country on your checkout page. Should your country not be shown here, please contact our Customer Care team for assistance at All orders are shipped within 1-3 working day(s) from our warehouse in the Netherlands. We have extremely fast worldwide shipping partners. Shop confidently knowing that exchanges and returns are easy.
In the unlikely event of any delay to your order, please contact our Customer Care team for assistance at
Due to international trading agreements and regulations, Beyond Brazil must adhere to specific shipping restrictions. For further information please contact our customer care team for assistance at
All orders whilst in transit from warehouse to the shipping address, are insured against theft and accidental damage. Once your items have been delivered to your specified delivery address and signed for, they are no longer covered by insurance. When your box is severely damaged upon arrival, we recommend that you either refuse the delivery, or make a note when signing that you are receiving a damaged box.
On orders outside the Netherlands, Beyond Brazil cannot guarantee customs duties and sales taxes just be aware that VAT is not included, depending on your country VAT and duty will be applied to. If you want certainty about your country's duties and taxes, we recommend that you contact your local customs bureau directly.